Tag Archives: Dictatorship

Post Meles, other TPLF’s dictator could endanger Ethiopia: Last call for National Dialogue By Ewnetu Sime

On August 21, 2012 the dictator Meles death was announced by Woyane’s media. The past few weeks Woyane’s sponsored mourning program included wheeling the sick out of hospitals, forcing the political prisoners to cry for the dictator death (not only two kinds list more if not all, old, homeless, etc.). Prisoners that do not obey […]

  • Events

    Hüll: 25.7.-1.8.2012 ¦ SommerFilmSprachCamp 2012 Das SommerFilmSprachCamp richtet sich an junge Menschen, die Lust aufs Filmemachen haben und/oder ihre Deutschkenntnisse verbessern wollen.

    Rostock: 28-30,Sep¦in the prepartion of the confrence in warnemünde where the Interior ministry,will take place in December

    hüll12-14,okt.wir wollen unsere Interessen und unsere Informationen mit Euch teilen. Wir sind 13 Jugendliche und
    junge Erwachsene, die in Niedersachsen und Hamburg leben

    berlinjoungvoice poltical meathing,..19-21,oct.

    Rostock: Jog,big dimonsration...5-7,dec

    BERLIN6th nov, Ethiopia: Demonstration In Front of Germany Parliament