Category Archives: world

lets get connected with the rest


“I know we will overcome. I know there are better days ahead. Let us keep striving, let us keep struggling, let us keep climbing to that promised land of a nation and a world that is more fair and more just.”—President Obama

Ethiopia: Amnesty International”” Conviction of government opponents a ‘dark day’ for freedom of expression

press release,June.27.2012 More Ethiopian government opponents have been convicted on trumped up terrorism and treason charges in what Amnesty International called “a dark day” for freedom of expression. Iconic dissident journalist Eskinder Nega and leading members of the political opposition, Andualem Arage and Nathnael Mekonnen, along with five other men, were found guilty on charges […]

The struggle is my life!!!!

The struggle is my life. Those who are vote less cannot be expected to continue paying taxes to a government which is not responsible to them. People who live in poverty and starvation cannot be expected to pay exorbitant house rents to the government and local authorities. We furnish the sinews of agriculture and industry. […]

berlin demonstartion,26/04/2012

The Ethiopian people have come together once again in again in Germany Berlin,26.04.2012 to protest the undemocratic government in Ethiopia.We have tired to make our stand to be know to the world that we don’t stand behind to the current political governance in Ethiopia.these demonstration was organized by the currently active community that goes by […]


“ “You can’t really create a democracy in a country by simply imposing it if the people in that country don’t yet live by social rules that embed rights and fairness in them. The values of rights and fairness only really come into their own when a society has been stable for some time and […]

had a great day

i just learned to create ma own blog,i believe it is always important to try to learn new things even it fells hard and like to much work,well everybody have to start some where ,right????

one title

i have seen something you wouldn’t believe

see these


Hallo Welt!

this is my new blog.

  • Events

    Hüll: 25.7.-1.8.2012 ¦ SommerFilmSprachCamp 2012 Das SommerFilmSprachCamp richtet sich an junge Menschen, die Lust aufs Filmemachen haben und/oder ihre Deutschkenntnisse verbessern wollen.

    Rostock: 28-30,Sep¦in the prepartion of the confrence in warnemünde where the Interior ministry,will take place in December

    hüll12-14,okt.wir wollen unsere Interessen und unsere Informationen mit Euch teilen. Wir sind 13 Jugendliche und
    junge Erwachsene, die in Niedersachsen und Hamburg leben

    berlinjoungvoice poltical meathing,..19-21,oct.

    Rostock: Jog,big dimonsration...5-7,dec

    BERLIN6th nov, Ethiopia: Demonstration In Front of Germany Parliament